Posts with tag "5G"

The Importance of REALLY Understanding RF

The Importance of REALLY Understanding RF

We’ve all probably read about Wi-Fi RF fundamentals, but you’ve got to go deeper to excel.

5 Key Takeaways from AFCEA TechNet Cyber

5 Key Takeaways from AFCEA TechNet Cyber

Devising new strategies to build resilience and defend networks.

Opening New Spectrum: Looking Toward the Future of 6GHz

Opening New Spectrum: Looking Toward the Future of 6GHz

Opening up the unlicensed 6 GHz band brims with possibilities for network design.

Wi-Fi as the On-Ramp to 5G

Wi-Fi as the On-Ramp to 5G

Wi-Fi 6 emerges as the first and best small cell solution to deliver 5G services to the enterprise.

Is the 2.4 GHz Spectrum Making a Comeback?

Is the 2.4 GHz Spectrum Making a Comeback?

802.11ax provides better connectivity to more devices, including the influx of new 2.4 GHz devices.