Are we looking in the right direction?

Are we looking in the right direction?

The wide open spaces on the inside of the network need to be looked at.

Branding Your Wi-Fi

Branding Your Wi-Fi

If you have a conference of more than five people, you need your own Wi-FI SSID.

Digging into WPA3

Digging into WPA3

In January 2018, the Wi-Fi Alliance announced WPA3 as an enhancement to WPA2. There’s not much in the way of technical details, but it all sounds promising. However, if you actually start looking around...

The Digital Sherlock Holmes

The Digital Sherlock Holmes

When the cyber game is afoot, you need Aruba IntroSpect.

Betting on Wi-Fi: Large Public Venues

Betting on Wi-Fi: Large Public Venues

Many hospitality gaming environments have large auditoriums, conference centers, outdoor spaces and even stadiums, which can have challenging Wi-Fi characteristics that require additional considerations.

Policy-Driven Access is Critical for the Digital Workplace

Policy-Driven Access is Critical for the Digital Workplace

Advanced intelligence delivers new levels of business agility, protection and user experience.