
HPE Aruba Networking Blogs

Reduce Technology Frustration with an Always-On, Secure Connectivity Experience in Healthcare

By Samuel Hill, Senior Manager, Healthcare, Aruba

TLDR: Healthcare IT endures the challenge of rapidly changing ways to deliver care and the needs of their providers with enormous pressure to keep the network up and secure. To combat this, Aruba makes Healthcare IT simple by providing an Always-On Secure Connectivity Experience.

Caring for others is a vital sign of humanity, and is beautifully expressed through healthcare agencies all over the world. Having trained, knowledgeable, and caring people available to assist during times of illness or emergency is a modern advancement that has brought much good to our world. In medicine, as in many other areas, the pace of change is incredibly fast, with new treatments and options frequently becoming available. No matter the treatment, procedure, or therapy, healing happens best when caring people deliver it.

Unfortunately, as more technology has entered the clinical care area, more staff report that it intrudes on their ability to provide care. These caring people are experiencing a higher rate of burnout than ever, and they point the finger at technology. Medical device use has also expanded, causing a wave of security challenges as well-funded organizations attempt to steal valuable resources from healthcare systems.

Healthcare IT endures the challenge of rapidly changing ways to deliver care and the needs of their providers with enormous pressure to keep the network up and secure. These restrictions limit their ability to adapt and cause them to incur massive amounts of "technical debt" in the process.

To combat this, Aruba makes Healthcare IT simple by providing an Always-On Secure Connectivity Experience. We help by making technology less obtrusive, forcing medical devices to remain in policy compliance, and overcoming the mountain of technical debt facing today's healthcare organizations.

Four Ways Aruba Brings Value to Healthcare
We see four main areas that we bring value to healthcare:

  1. Always-On: In healthcare, the network cannot go down, and even planned downtime is painful to endure. Aruba delivers Live Upgrade capability to both wireless and wired networks, enabling a stable path for care delivery. Similarly, the performance of the network must be consistent. When a user can count on the network to perform at an optimal level, it increases their confidence. It enables them to focus on patient care, not whether their device will work or not.
  2. Secure: With more connections than ever, the network is vulnerable and must be protected. Patients come to a health system in their time of need, not for their most private information to be stolen. Aruba delivers pre-determined and automatically enforced policies for every device, ensuring an end-to-end secure experience. IT can focus on service delivery instead of complicated manual network segmentation and providers can expect their patients privacy will be protected.
  3. Connectivity: With the enormous amount of data generated in a patient room (most of which should be computed at the edge of the network for real-time benefit), the network is vital. While not super modern sounding, speed and efficiency are more important than ever. Healthcare is increasingly delivered on-demand, where the patient is, which means that the network must work. Device proliferation and modern-day innovations have increased complexity and challenged service delivery. Aruba delivers robust connections for any device or user with the speed and simplicity required to deliver modern healthcare.
  4. Experience: The fundamental value that Aruba delivers is the experience enjoyed by the end-users of our technology. With location-based services, patients can find their way and staff can find the critical piece of equipment, significantly improving their experience. Aruba also delivers artificial intelligence and machine learning to monitor the user experience of network performance and make specific recommendations to IT for performance improvement. When technology helps you navigate space and ensures that your services perform, providers can focus on caring and patients can focus on getting well.

Video: Learn more about healthcare at the edge

Aruba delivers an Always-On Secure Connectivity Experience for healthcare to solve their challenges both today and tomorrow. We want to be your partner in providing care to the communities you serve. Learn more about Aruba solutions for healthcare.