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HPE Aruba Networking Blogs

Apple iOS 10 Beta Sysdiagnose Logging

By George Stafanick, Blog Contributor

If you blinked you might have missed Apple's mention of the new Sysdiagnose logging. While little is known to the general public, there is hope it might include Wi-Fi logs for network troubleshooting and diagnostics. 

WDC session Unified Logging and Activity Tracking session, Friday 7:00-7:40 pm - 41:00 minute mark.


Apple had previously released to developers an iOS profile, "WiFi Performance Diagnostics"  when pushed to an IOS device collects a lot of information. Some self-explanatory while most of it is a bit cryptic. If you have a developers account you can obtain the profile here: 



As Apple becomes enterprise friendly, we hold out hope they will open up and provide more tools to troubleshoot and diagnose Wi-Fi networks.