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HPE Aruba Networking Blogs

Aruba automation at Atmosphere 2023

By Ti Chiapuzio-Wong, Technical Marketing Engineer, Aruba

As the world becomes increasingly digital, networks are becoming more complex, and managing them can be a daunting task. That's why automation is becoming more critical to organizations looking to streamline their network operations and improve their efficiency. Recently, the HPE Aruba Networking automation team attended Aruba Atmosphere, where we demonstrated the automation capabilities of HPE Aruba Networking products using real-life customer scenarios.

Our team presented four sessions at the conference, each focused on different aspects of HPE Aruba Networking products and their automation capabilities. In the first session, Streamlining Network Tasks with Aruba Switching Automation, we focused on automation use cases with the cloud-native switching platform AOS-CX. Our team demonstrated how automation can help simplify network configuration and management using open-sourced languages and frameworks such as Python, Ansible Automation Platform, and Terraform. In addition to these frameworks, we used the Aruba Fabric Composer to demonstrate how users can orchestrate these devices through REST, proving how APIs and automation make it easier for organizations to maintain their networks. You can find guides detailing the integration with these platforms and AOS-CX on our Aruba devHub.

In the second session, Leveraging Automation and APIs across HPE Aruba Networking Products, our team presented how you can use Aruba's open APIs to automate and streamline network operations and monitor across different HPE Aruba Networking products. We included demos of the API capabilities of Aruba Central, ClearPass, and EdgeConnect in various use cases. We demonstrated how to use EdgeConnect's automation to help set up and manage the SD-WAN, used ClearPass to handle the access control, and showcased efficient use of Central’s monitoring capability. Recently, we published the EdgeConnect section on the Aruba devHub which outlines the product's automation capabilities and useful workflows—find it here.

In the third session, Aruba NAE Automated Service Impact and Root Cause Analysis, our team highlighted the Aruba Network Analytics Engine (NAE)—the built in tool for AOS-CX that uses python to help troubleshoot your network automatically. We demonstrated how NAE can help identify and resolve network issues quickly and efficiently, reducing the need for manual intervention and downtime and ensuring applications and services are fast, secure, and available. We also previewed upcoming changes that will increase information available through Central, which will allow for clearer insight into your network's health through one platform.

Finally, in the fourth session, Aruba Central for Managed Services: Deployment Models and Features, our team focused on how Central can be used by our partners to accomplish Network as a Managed Service. We walked attendees through key deployment models and features that MSPs use to deliver modern network services quickly and efficiently using Aruba Central and its API capabilities. For more information on Central's automated MSP workflows, check out the guides available on the Aruba devHub.

In addition to these sessions, the automation team managed a demo booth at the Atmosphere Innovation Zone. As Atmosphere's network was managed by Aruba Central, we were able to demonstrate the power of Central's automation by showcasing real-time network data obtained through Central's APIs on an interactive dashboard. We used the data and existing open-sourced tools to see statistics such as user density, traffic information, and location proximity in various ways.  This valuable information helps customers find physical traffic hot spots and the most popular places of a site for workplace management and a large variety of other use cases. Soon, on the #aruba-central Slack channel, we'll post an announcement of our "How To" guide on creating a dashboard similar to what you see below on our Aruba devHub. To join the HPE Dev Slack workspace, sign up today!

Overall, the automation team's presence at Atmosphere was a success. We were able to showcase HPE Aruba Networking automation capabilities through its products’ APIs, NAE, and Central, and demonstrate how automation can help organizations accelerate and substantially improve their network operations. As the world becomes more digital, automation will become increasingly critical, and HPE Aruba Networking is the ideal vendor to help organizations adapt and thrive in this new landscape.

For more information on automation with HPE Aruba Networking, visit us at our devHub or reach out to us at  We hope to see you at the next exciting event!