Posts with tag "Encryption"

Federal IT: Do You Know What’s Connected to Your Wired Networks?

Federal IT: Do You Know What’s Connected to Your Wired Networks?

When rogue devices join the network, they open the door to threats that can survive in the network for 100 days. That’s much too long.

Understanding Wi-Fi Authentication: A Refresher

Understanding Wi-Fi Authentication: A Refresher

There are many ways to authenticate users to a wireless network, but which methods are best for you?

Top 6 Network Security Tips for Midsize Businesses

Top 6 Network Security Tips for Midsize Businesses

No business is too small—or too big—to be a target. Protect against cyberattacks with these tips.

Network Security vs Convenience: A War of Perspectives

Network Security vs Convenience: A War of Perspectives

Is it a battle of security vs. convenience or a question of whose convenience is more important?

3 Practical Steps to Securing Wi-Fi

3 Practical Steps to Securing Wi-Fi

Certificate-based authentication, no-hassle cryptography and dynamic segmentation.

A Look into What’s Behind WPA3

A Look into What’s Behind WPA3

Shouldn’t our users have an expectation of privacy?

How is 802.11ax different than previous wireless standards?

How is 802.11ax different than previous wireless standards?

It’s time to think of Wi-Fi less like an old bridged network and more like a modern switched network.

802.11ax Means More IoT. Now, How Do I Secure It?

802.11ax Means More IoT. Now, How Do I Secure It?

The IoT wave continues unabated, but it doesn’t have to result in compromised security.

Opportunistic Wireless Encryption…Um, What’s That Again?

Opportunistic Wireless Encryption…Um, What’s That Again?

Learn about Aruba’s plan to implement the latest Wi-Fi Alliance certifications like WPA3 and OWE.